Sunday, March 31, 2013

How fast I learned german

Da ich ja jetzt schon zwei Tage in Deutschland bin und ich schon sehr viel deutsch gelernt habe, schreibe ich jetzt mal auf deutsch.
Heute morgen gab einen sehr leckeren Hefezopf und viele bunte Eier, die wir gestern zusammen gefärbt haben.
Nach dem Frühstück sind wir in einen Gottesdienst gegangen und dann haben wir auch schon wieder gegessen.
Man sagt ja immer so schön : ,, Nach dem Essen soll man ruhn oder tausend  Schritte tun" und heute haben wir uns für die Schritte entschieden und sind ein bisschen spazieren gegangen.
Da meine Gastschwester heute Geburtstag hatte, haben wir ein großes Kaffeetrinken gemacht und haben viel Kuchen gegessen, die sehr lecker waren.
Zum Abendbrot haben wir dann noch Laugenbrezeln mit Käse gegessen oder auch nur Käse ;-)
Der Käse ist sehr lecker hier in Deutschland.
Später habe ich dann noch ein bisschen Deutschunterricht bekommen, damit ich diesen Text hier schreiben kann.

3 countries in 2 days.

It has been a busy couple of days. Kristina and I left Gothenburg March 29th and arrived in Copenhagen and then left to go to Essen on the 30th.

Kobenhavn was a wet cold and snowy, but it made the city look very pretty. On our way to the hostel, a monk honed in our tourist appearance (big backpack and suitcase, map in hand, looking confused) and proceeded to talk to us about how people's moods were causing the bad weather and other spiritual stuff, which was definitely an interesting encounter. Once we made it to our hostel, we put on a few more layers on so we could tackle the city. We saw a free town called "Christiania". It was covered in graffiti and sort of sketchy. I think googling it will provide the best description of what it's like. The canals lined with boats was also very pretty. My most favorite thing in Copenhagen was people watching. Everyone is so stylish with their big scarves, wool coats and short boots. Such a fancy city! All the stores were closed, which was probably a good thing because I saw a few things in rhe window I wanted to get. There was also one bakery/ cafe we frequented 3 times in ~22 hours.

The flight into Essen, Germany was uneventful, but the way we were greeted in the airport was not. The Mom and Rebekka were there waiting for us with signs and were super excited when we walked through. Once we got to their place, I met more of the family. They are all very nice and welcoming and I can tell they just love that Kris is back in Essen. We went grocery shopping and I think it's a good thing I don't normally live here because I would eat chocolate and bread. The fancy chocolate is cheap and there is such a selection of breads! I am excited to try some authentic German food over the next few days. Oh, and it's true, the beer/alcohol is cheap but that wasn't as important as the cheap chocolate. 

In the evening Kris, Rebekka and I went to a cafe. They made me order by myself which turned out funny because when the lady asked what kind of chocolate I wanted in my milk in German,  I just smiled and nodded because I had no idea what she was saying! Rebekkah and Kris had a good laugh.

The day went by in such a blur, so I might be filling in some gaps later.

Tomorrow is Rebekkah's birthday and also Easter!

Tschüss (Bye in German)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Onto Copenhagen

Hej hej,

It is Good Friday at 754 am and this is the first time I have taken a train to get to another city. It is not like the Hogwarts Express, unfortunately.

The days in Gothenburg have flown by. Juliana did a great job of painting a picture of Gothenburg from a local perspective compared to a tourist one. Having lunch by a little red hut on an island, trying common sandwiches with shrimp salad piled high on the bread, having a fika with Ester (Juliana's ceramist friend), and trying out the different food has made for a memorable first leg of the journey.

It was interesting seeing Sweden prepare for Easter. I guess they celebrate it on Saturday.  The little girls dress up as witches, and put bright blush abd freckles on their cheeks. Nobody really seemed to know the exact reason for this, but in general, it has something to do with the witches warding off the evil spirits.

I guess it is not uncommon for the Swedes to change their last names either. The girl's at the house we stayed at had a last name that meant "David's Daughter", because the Dad is David and that's what the parents wanted.

Time to sleep a little before arriving to Copenhagen!

Pictures: Fika with Juliana, lunch by the little red hut on the island and a picture of my sleeping quarters

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


I am in Gothenburg, Sweden.

I got in last night and slept the whole night. I am staying at Juliana's place (friend of Kris), which is a house with a family (Mom, Dad and 2 girls), plus other roommates. It finally hit me this morning that I was on my trip when I was half woken up by the little girls crying for some reason.

Anyways, today Kris and I had our first fika which is when you have coffee or tea with something small to eat like a cinnamon roll or cheese with bread. I think I will continue to fika back home ;) Today we visited a fish market and checked out some stores.

Picture: Kris and I having fika #2

The day of travels.

Delayed entry from yesterday due to internet at airports:

Adventure Count:1
Did you know that row 17 doesn't exist on some airplanes? Apparently Air Canada didn't realize this either. I felt like I was looking for platform 9 3/4, or that there was a secret row 17 hidden on the plane. I was finally placed in the middle section, between two other ppl (I really just wanted a window seat). Flight was uneventful- lots of sleeping.

Currently, my 4 hr layover has turned into 5 hrs because of a delayed flight to Gothenburg. No free WiFi at Heathrow means I can't let Kris know what's up. She'll figure it out.

It's been a fun day but I'm looking forward to seeing Kris and Juliana and eating some food.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

This is it.

I'm 2 hours early for a domestic flight to Calgary because I double and triple checked everything but the departure time of my flight. Once I reach Calgary I catch a flight to London and then I head to my destination of Gothenburg, Sweden. I was only given boarding passes to Calgary and London, is this normal?

Bag weighed in at 22 lbs. I imagine/ hope it will weigh a bit more coming back.

A picture of my friend from Peru and I reading before departing.

See you in 3.5 weeks, Canada.