Monday, April 8, 2013

FC Barcelona

April 6th, wake up at 3 am with only 3 hours of sleep to catch the train to Amsterdam airport. It was a quick and easy train ride to the airport and a nice flight to Barcelona.  I was asleep before the flight attendants finished talking about all the safety stuff for the flight and continued to sleep for the 2 hours to Barcelona (Devonne was awake for all of it and said the ppl on the flight were quite noisy).

Arriving in Barcelona was sort of surreal. I have always wanted to go to Spain and now it's happening!

I napped for an hour after arriving to our hostel where we got to switch to a private room (yay). Afterwards we walked around Las Ramblas which is fairly close to our hostel.

That night we had our football match, Barcelona vs Mallorca. We decided to have supper close to the stadium just to make sure we had enough time to get get there. We thought the game was at 10 but when I checked my phone it said 9 so we walked over at around 730. Ppl were gathering around entrances to underground parking lots to wait for the players to come. It was so exciting because you didn't know who was pulling in but ppl would cheer anyways. One vehicle came in and ppl said it was Messi, but I think it may have been wishful thinking. It was still so much fun waiting, bur at about 830 we decided to go find our seats because the game was about to start...or so we thought. The game was actually at 10 so we had time to grab coffee and check out the big fc barca store. I also got a couple of good pictures with the stadium fairly empty (it holds about 80 000 ppl).

When we made it back to our seats, the playes were warming up. It was mesmerizing.  I wanted to be playing. The game itself was amazing. The passing was so fast, the players so agile and the fans so enthusiastic. I loved every moment of it and it was everything I had hoped for. Barcelona won 5-0. What an experience!!

Because the game started at 10, it didn't finish until almost midnight. The train station was packed because everyone was using it to get home, so I didn't get to sleep until about 2. The ride back to the hostel was pretty good though, besides the fact there were some ppl who weren't so considerate of a family who had a boy who could hardly stand. Anyways, we got a little lost trying to find our hostel, but Devonne got us there in the end (woohoo).

Day one in Barcelona= Awesome

Pictures: first tapa in spain (cuttlefish), a car potentially with a Barcelona soccer player in it, the stadium, me with the stadium in the background, a picture from the game


  1. That pic of you standing inside the stadium is spectacular.

  2. Thanks, Dad. It was sooooo awesome to be watching a game live.

  3. KUTTLE FISH ARE SO COOL! I don't think I could eat one though, especially not the tentacles. Have you been using lots of Spanish!? I want so badly to use mine. That game must have been amazing to see. I feel like it would be to you what seeing whales up close would be to me, which is kinda like the coolest thing I can imagine right now. Spain sounds so amazing! You're going to venture into Portugal right? I want to take a trip like this:
    Portugal>Spain>France>Switzerland>Italy>Austria>Germany>Belgium>Norway> UK> Ireland. So almost all of Western Europe. I guess basically what you're doing. I want to do what you're doing, only for a year. Most expensive year of my life. You look really pretty. I think I like that bag. I also like the look on that guys face in the last picture. Love you, Sis. Stay safe!
