Thursday, April 4, 2013

Last 2 days in Essen, Germany

I am so relaxed and I don't feel the need to be rushing around Essen as I am enjoying spending time with the family and Kristina instead. However, we did go to a coal mine and refinery yesterday which was really neat. They have restored this area to make it more of a cultural center. It has paths all around it and you can go to the museum part for a fee (we opted to get stuff at the gift store). We then had a little lunch under the sun as it was a little chilly. Judith taught me how to say numbers one to five in German, which was pretty neat as I could pick out these words out in some conversations later in the day. In the evening of Monday I had a typical German meal of knödle, hamburger wrapped around hard boiled eggs and bacon wrapped around that and red cabbage as well. It was delicious! In the evening Kris went for a run and I talked with Judith,  David and Tim, David's friend. We talked about the similarities and differences between Canada and Germany but I can't seem to write any down right now because I have talked a lot about what it's like in Canada with ppl.

On my last full day in Essen, Judith and I went shopping. Yes, good ol' shopping at their mall and then to shops just outside of the mall.  It was fun seeing all the stores but it's not too different from what I'm used to. We had this huge cup full of ice cream which I guess is pretty common. For lunch we went to Va Piano which was super delicious and kind of reminded me of a similar setup as Famoso. Back at the flat after shopping we waited for Kris as it was her first day at her placement. She was pretty tired but noy too tires to help cook another German meal and cookies.  I forget the name of the dish but it was pasta with a cream bacon sauce. Yum, yum.

The few days in Essen have been wonderful, but tomorrow I head to Holland to meet up with Devonne, so another exciting leg of my journey soon to come.

1 comment:

  1. That food makes me want to eat meat. I've been failing on my whole "only happy meat" thing. I had corned beef on St. Patrick's day, but it was from the good farms that raise and kill the beef nicely. Then on Easter, I ate ham, and then I continued to eat the ham all the days until it was done. Then mom made roast beef with rosemary and lavender today, and I just couldn't seem to say no to that. I still haven't had any chicken since January 24th, which is good because I'm most against what they do to them. I have two field trips field trips, and my campus visit at UP in the next week.I'm really excited. Allie just got back from Harry Potter world, and she got me the items I requested ( I gave her the money before hand). I'm more writing this to avoid doing homework than I am to fill you in on the happenings of my life.
    All this food sounds so amazing. Prom is coming up, and if I gain any more weight, I wont fit into the really nice dresses. I think I'de gain 75#s if I was there. I enjoy your blog quite a lot. I love you sister. I suppose an email would've been more appropriate for this, and I could copy and paste it into one, but that would take more effort than I care to, so enjoy this oddly long comment.
